General/Special Orders - Most often orders for promotions and awards such as the CIB, CMB, Purple Heart, etc.
Miscellaneous Reports - Reports of specific incidents such as friendly fire investigations, sniper dog death, etc
Operational Reports/Lessons Learned - Quarterly reviews of operations including Company movements and locations, identification of problems and recommended or intended courses of action
Radio Logs - Daily logs of Battalion radio communications with company and sometimes platoon movement and activity
S2 Logs - Brigade level Intelligence logs involving 1/12th and other units; similar to radio logs in format
Situation Reports - (SitReps) Daily summaries of operations with detailed Company locations
Unknown Reports - Reports that are missing identifying characteristics, or non-specific in nature
Note: Most reports were prepared after the activity they describe. Where applicable we are listing the reports by the date of the actual activity and not the date the report was created.
OpOrd 8-68: Plan for Battalion movements to Division base camp, then continue to VC Valley (apx 37 km ESE Pleiku, 35 km WSW An Khe) to establish an FSB. (12 pages) (Poor quality. The original was the 7th carbon copy.)
Detection and Avoidance of Mines and Booby-Traps in South Vietnam. Training and tactical procedures of the 4th Inf Div. Includes interviews with Division members. (94 pages)